Email Marketing
DOJO is a business growth digital marketing agency in Minneapolis Minnesota. We have over a decade of experience managing email marketing campaigns that have delivered outstanding results.
Email Campaigns
Email Marketing is your proactive touch point with your customers or followers.
Email Marketing Management is essential to any content and digital marketing strategy. It keeps you top of mind with your audience while keeping in constant contact with them. It keeps them invested with your brand/company while educating them on your products or services and why they should work with you.
DOJO can help get your company set up with an ESP (Email Service Provider) like Mail Chimp, Constant Contact, Hubspot, and more. We can develop email templates for your sends, develop mail schedules, and marketing calendars to help your team keep the momentum up to succeed in growing an email audience.


Email Marketing Management
DOJO offers ongoing email marketing management services as well. Think of us as an extension to your internal marketing team. We will collaborate with your internal team about subjects to cover, who to send to and how to increase the subscriber list. We can then create the emails and send on your behalf, with reporting to follow so you know how we did. DOJO consistently exceeds industry averages for open and click thru rates on emails we create and send.
If you have built a website with us, we can create a section on the website to store past emails, creating a great addition to your content marketing strategy and help efforts in SEO (search engine optimization)!