Can’t use your site? Then it’s not a tool

When it comes to web design for business, the most important factor should be “is your site usable to you and your team?”  This goes beyond the front end of clicking around and finding the page/content you are looking for, or filling out a contact form, or even buying a product from your online store.  Can your team edit and maintain your company’s website?  If you can’t, is it really a tool for you?  If you have to rely on an outside resource to make simple (often very costly) updates to your website, chances are it will soon become neglected and forgotten about.  You can have the most beautiful website with fancy animations and functionality, but if its not part of your regular marketing tools that your team can use every day, its virtually worthless.

Most companies will hire someone to build their website, and can easily get caught up in adding lots of intricate features, but in good development hands the site comes out looking great even if you have no idea how to change something as simple as a new hire on your about us page. This works well at the beginning as with new sites, there aren’t many changes needed in the immediate future.  Over time, your business changes, and you need to add or change things to your website, and your website is too difficult to manage. The developer or agency who built it tells you that it will require a whole redesign to do what you are looking for, which will be costly. Or worse yet, they no longer support the website and you need to find a new developer on your own to make the changes.

For existing companies, this is the #1 reason our clients come to us.  They have a website, but it’s too complicated to update, so the client is unable to use it without expensive monthly fees to have someone else manage it. The best designed websites look good but are also easy to maintain, and even build in for non-web developers. We developed our own framework within WordPress, that provides clients with drag and drop technology to allow them to make the necessary changes they need to make their website useful.

We develop each website with tools that include drag and drop design functionality, premium plugins to add special features not available out of the box with WordPress, and much more! We then provide a guide and some training for our clients so they are able to make edits/changes to their site (even some design) with little or no experience so they can start using their website as a marketing tool!

But for those who prefer a hands-off approach…  DOJO is always there. Whether you forget how to make a change on a specific page of your site 9 months after it launched or you just want some ideas on how best to solve a goal, DOJO is quick to respond.

So, want to find out more about how DOJO can help you?

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